“自由鐘”系列之一 — “自由的曙光” “Liberty Bell” Series — Part One “Dawn of Liberty”

“自由鐘”系列之一 — “自由的曙光”  
“Liberty Bell” Series — Part One “Dawn of Liberty” 

自由鐘 – 自由精神啓蒙系列旨在介紹美國立國精神、聯邦憲政、基督精神、個體價值,以對說中文的­人們産生自由精神啓蒙的作用。 本節目將連續將美國社會的各個層面系列地介紹給中文觀衆。 望各位觀衆給予有意義的回饋。

Folks:  8/1/15
The program “Liberty Bell” (series) is launched on Youtube now.  You can post it on your websites or blogs for your audience to view it.  “Liberty Bell” will continue to produce the program in its series.  Dawn of Liberty is the first.  It will take another two months to produce the next one “Putting Power in the Cage of Christian Ethics and Constitution”.  
As a free being by God living in America, it is my moral duty to safeguard this last bastion of human freedom.  I am proud to be part of this great and worthy struggle.  
Fiona, as the producer, worked hard on this program.  I am very grateful to her. 
Enjoy and let me know what you think.  Best wishes.  Kai Chen 
右派论坛 Youpai Forum :: View topic – 陈凯公告/“自由钟”系列 “Liberty Bell” Series Launched//



Dawn of Liberty














我們認為以下這些真實是自我驗證的:所有人因被神(上帝)所創而平等。上帝賦予他們若幹不可剝奪的權利,其中包括生命、自由和追求幸福的權利。為了保障這些權利,人們才在他們之間建立政府。 這個政府的合法權力,是由被施法者們的同意而産生的。 當任何形式的政府,對這些目標(保障人的天賦權利)產生破壞作用時,人們便應用神賦予的權利予以改變或廢除,建立新的政府。 新政府的建立與組織必須基於所提的原則,以使所管理的人們得到最大程度的安全和幸福。 為了慎重起見,成立許久的政府是不應當由於微小與暫時的原因而草率更換。 歷史曾一再向我們驗證,人寧可遭受苦難也不願為了原則更換已經習慣了的政府。 但當政府用極端的專制暴政無視人的尊嚴強取豪奪,人們就不但有權利也有義務推翻這樣的政府而為他們未來的安全建立新的保障。



陳凱:美國的《獨立宣言》可以一直沿襲到希臘社會的整個對人類哲學討論, 人究竟是什麼,人是否追求幸福,人是否追求自由, 選舉的必要性,洛克,他是英國社會,還包括很多歐洲的哲學家們,提到的通過合同而建立的政府,人性本身是戰爭還是和平,都是非常深遠的一些討論, 焦距在美國的《獨立宣言》裏面。




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陈凯访谈/解读中文语言的专制密码 Decipher Despotism in Chinese Language

陈凯访谈/解读中文语言的专制密码 Decipher Despotism in Chinese Language

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破解共产党与孔夫子的伪联盟 Communism and Confucianism United

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
破解共产党与孔夫子的伪联盟 Communism and Confucianism United
作者:余杰 2012-04-08 16:34:16

--原载:《自由亚洲电台》,2012-04-05 http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/zhuanlan/wenyitiandi-cite/yj-04052012143255.html

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林书豪 vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人 Jeremy Lin vs. Yao Ming

Jeremy Lin in Practice Sessions

林书豪  vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人 Jeremy Lin vs. Yao Ming 林书豪作为一个自由人的影响早已压倒了姚明作为一个制度与族群的产物的宣传

Jeremy Lin as  a free being has already overwhelmed Yao Min as an enslaved man 

“自由人” vs. “中国人”序列 “Free Beings” vs. “Chinese”  Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 2/21/2012 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

自从林书豪在NBA的优异表现冲击了美国篮坛与世界舆论以来,我接受了来自多方位的媒体采访。  许多西方的媒体基于“政治正确”的左派倾向在采访中想用一些少数人的种族主义评论把我引入族群的争议。  一些在美的华裔政客们也想借美国少数人对林书豪的病态负面的评论为自己拉政治稻草。  但最让我反胃恶心的是大多数的华裔人士也都将林书豪作为种族、祖裔、中国专制文化的产物来为虚无的个体找认同,似乎林书豪的肤色与他家庭的来历是他取得成就的原因。  殊不知,林书豪的真正意义是在于“他是一个美国人,他是一个自由人”。 他的成就并不是“因为”他是一个亚裔人,而是“尽管”他是一个亚裔人。 (Jeremy  Lin’s achievement is NOT “because” he is of Asian descendent, but “despite” he  is of Asian descendent.)

林书豪的故事绝不是一个什么“亚裔人/中国人/台湾人/族群人”的故事。  林书豪的故事是一个“美国人/自由人/有信仰的人”的故事。  林书豪的故事是一个在自由世界中个体用自身的天才,努力,信念,勇气与自由意志战胜群体的无知,击败种族的偏见,冲破环境的限制,打碎人的“默默的绝望”的、充满激情与希望的“自由人”的故事。  当一位记者采访我的时候 ,她竭尽所能想用“族裔”来定位林书豪的成就。 我只是用“1+1=2”的常识逻辑向她说: 

 “如果你认为其他人不应该用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来贬低他的话,你为什么要用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来抬高他呢? 难道这不是一回事儿吗?” 

 当所有人,时常会是他的亲友们(不只是他的有种族主义倾向的怀疑者们),不相信林书豪的时候,林书豪本人并没有丧失自己对篮球的热爱,并没有丧失对自身与上苍的信念。  这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?!  当林书豪在令人难以忍受的困境之中,在眼泪、内心的挣扎中,在怀疑与失败的痛苦中,在族群的偏见与无知中愤然/奋然挺起、冲破障碍、取得成功时,他并没有因为得志得意而放弃自己的操守、信念与自省。  这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?!  当林书豪向世界证实“人绝非环境、族群、历史、贫富、文化背景、家族祖宗的产物”而是“个体的自由意志、对神的信仰、不懈的努力,勇气与毅力的自由的精灵”的时候,你难道不认为这才是林书豪的真实自我,这才是林书豪的真实故事的本质吗? 

 易建联曾自供:“林书豪付出得到了回报,我的付出没有得到回报。” 言外之意是我的命/运气不好。 殊不知,“求回报而付出/做好事求好报”正说明一个人没有真实的热爱与信仰,正说明易建联并不真正热爱篮球而是想从篮球中强取/偷取/骗取那些并不在自我认同/热爱中,也绝不是因为自我认同而产生的价值。 正是因为这些“中国奴”没有真实的热爱与信仰,他们可能会有因偷/抢/骗而得到的钱,而绝不会有因热爱与信仰而得到的真实幸福与对不懈意义追求的满足感。

中共党朝的官方媒体早就借各种渠道放出风来,说什么“林书豪永远不会有姚明的成就与影响”,说什么“林书豪还需要时间来证实他的实力与价值”。  一个被奴役制洗脑左右的人是绝不会懂得林书豪与姚明之间的根本对差的: 林书豪是一个自由人。  姚明是一个被奴役的非自由人(即使连他也懂得把自己的女儿生在美国成为一个美国人的重要。)。 林书豪是一个用自己的信念与品质击败了无知、偏见、怯懦与自我怀疑的人。  姚明是一个不得不在奴役体制中无奈的玩儿专制游戏、为专制站台的人。 林书豪是一个用自身的意志、勇气与能力战胜环境与背景束缚的人。  姚明是一个被环境、背景、专制强权左右的被奴人(姚明在与NBA签约之前被迫与中国篮协签了“卖身契”保证用自己的篮球、名、利为“中国/中共党朝”服务。  他也曾邀NBA队友到天安门为毛泽东站台与授意到台湾为中共党朝搞“统战”)。 林书豪向世界、向人类、向上苍证实了“人”是可以自由的。  姚明则用他的无奈与妥协向人们表达了“默默的绝望”是人生的唯一终结。

林书豪与姚明之间只有对照,没有比较。 林书豪与姚明生活在两个绝对冲突与对立的精神世界里。  姚明的八年NBA生涯是在被利用、被奴役、被迫就范的精神世界中度过的。  林书豪则正在用自身NBA成功的见证突破了历史与族群的束缚与界限,告诉着人们“人是上苍所造的自由人,而绝非政府、族群、历史、环境所造的无奈之物”,“人可以用自身的信念、勇气与努力设计自身的轨迹,书写自身的剧本,改变历史的走向与所生的环境”。  有什么能比林书豪所证实、所表达的这个真实的信息更使人振奋、更使人解放、更使人自由地去为自身的幸福与尊严无畏前行的呢?! 


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法新社陈凯访谈/林书豪意味着什么? AFP Kai Chen Interview on Jeremy Lin

法新社陈凯访谈/林书豪意味着什么? AFP Kai Chen Interview on Jeremy  Lin 

Like Yao, Lin’s success rubs some the wrong  way

By Greg Heakes (AFP) – 10 hours ago
LOS  ANGELES — The same racial stereotypes that dogged Yao Ming early in his National  Basketball Association career are now being cast upon Harvard educated, New York  Knicks star Jeremy Lin.
American sports network ESPN was forced to  apologize Saturday for an anti-Asian slur directed at Chinese-American Lin that  appeared in a story about the point guard following the Knicks 89-85 loss on  Friday night.
The anti-Asian headline was included in an online story  about Lin’s role in the game that ended New York’s seven-game winning streak.
ESPN said in a statement it was “conducting a complete review of our  cross-platform editorial procedures and are determining appropriate disciplinary  action to ensure this does not happen again. We regret and apologize for this  mistake.”
ESPN claimed that the headline appeared to only mobile  browsers for a 35-minute period but long enough for scores of people to see it.
The Knicks have been on a magical run since former part-time player Lin  was called upon with two starters missing and answered with the most points of  any NBA player in his first five starts since the NBA and ABA merged in 1976.  Lin’s fairy-tale story is further enhanced because he was cut by two clubs,  including Yao’s former team the Houston Rockets, before the season started.
While the majority of Americans are captivated by the “Lin-sanity”  phenomenon, others like US African-American boxer Floyd Mayweather are not.
“Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he’s Asian.  Black players do what he does every night and don’t get the same praise,”  Mayweather said in a posting on his Twitter microblogging website.
Like  Lin, retired eight-time NBA all-star Yao had to face taunts and ethnic slurs  when he broke into the league in 2002.
Former Detroit Piston Ben Wallace  said the then 21-year-old Yao would receive a rude welcome the first time  China’s national team played the United States in August 2002 in Oakland,  California.
“We are going to beat him up. We are going to beat him up  pretty bad,” Wallace said. “Welcome to the league, welcome to our country. This  is our playground.”
Yao also had to deal with ethnic slurs from former  Los Angeles Laker Shaquille O’Neal.
Chen  Kai, an author and former member of China’s national basketball team who  competed in the 1978 World Championships for China, told AFP the problem is that  some people see this as a racial issue instead of a feel-good story. 

Chen said the attitudes towards Lin and Yao show there is still a lot of  work to be done to help integrate basketball.

“We have a culture in the  US called political correctness. Affirmitive action is giving a minority a  chance. At the same time the NBA is beyond that,” said Chen, a human rights  activist who nows lives in Los Angeles.

“There is a conflict in the US.  This rise of Jeremy Lin is just like Tiger Woods in golf or a great young black  player in ice hockey.

“It is a phenomenon. It is not a negative story,  it’s a positive one. Most people in the US embrace Jeremy Lin. They don’t see it  as a racial issue but just see that he plays good ball.”

The  23-year-old Lin said on Wednesday he hopes to change outlooks and stereotypes  regarding Asians and Asian-American NBA players.

“I think there are definitely (Asian) stereotypes,” he  said. “There are a lot of them. The more we can do to break those down every day  the better we will become.

“Hopefully in the near future we will see a  lot more Asians and Asian-Americans playing in the NBA.”

Lin’s  parents emigrated from Taiwan to the USA in the mid-1970s. He is one of the few  Asian Americans in NBA history, and the first American player in the league to  be of Chinese or Taiwanese descent.

“People in Taiwan and China fight to claim him but  inside he is all American,” Chen said.

“He’s all American. He graduated  from Harvard, he was born in the US and he eats American food. He doesn’t see  colour. All he cares about is winning the game. That is the true American  spirit.”

Copyright © 2012 AFP. All rights reserved. More »

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林书豪给我们的十个启示 Just Lin, Baby!

林书豪给我们的十个启示 Just Lin, Baby! 

Eric Jackson (Forbes Magazine)
10  Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us Before We Go To Work Monday  Morning

Lin-sanity has  swept up the NBA over the last week. Now it seems like the phenomenon has gone  worldwide.
Friday’s 38 point performance by Harvard grad Jeremy  Lin for the New York Knicks against the LA Lakers was his greatest performance  yet as a starter, since he burst on to the scene and propelled the team to 4  straight wins.
Lin now has over 200,000 followers on Twitter. He’s got  over 800,000 on Weibo – including 200,000 new ones in the 24 hour period after  beating the Lakers.
But there’s more to this story than basketball. This  isn’t just a modern-day, real-life version of the Hoosiers movie. The Jeremy Lin  story is incredibly popular because we can all see a little bit of ourselves in  this man’s struggles and now successes.
What can all of us learn from  this young man — and how can we apply these same lessons to our own lives when  we go back to work on Monday morning?
1.  Believe in yourself when no one else does. 坚信自身
Lin’s only  the 3rd graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He’s also one of only a  handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the Knicks to play for  their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie, PA. He’d already been cut by two other  NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year. You’ve got to believe in  yourself, even when no one else does.
2.  Seize the opportunity when it comes up. 抓住机遇
Lin got to  start for the Knicks because they had to start him. They had too many injuries.  Baron Davis was gone. The other point guards were out. Carmelo Anthony was  injured. Amare Stoudemire had to leave the team because of a family death. Lin  could have squandered the opportunity and we would have never have noticed. But  he made the most of it. You never know when opportunities are going to arise in  life. Often, they’re when you least expect them. Make the most of them. Don’t  fritter them away.
3.  Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.  欣赏亲助
It wasn’t until a few days ago that Lin got his  contract guaranteed by the Knicks for the rest of the season. Before that, he  could have been cut at any time. He had to sleep on his brother’s couch on the  Lower East Side to get by. His family always believed in him and picked him up  when he could have gotten down on himself. That made him continue to believe. If  you want your family to believe in you like that, you’ve got to be there for  them too when they need it.
4.  Find the system that works for your style. 发现适己
Lin isn’t  Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. He’s not a pure scorer. He’s a passer and  distributor – who can also score very well. It didn’t work for him in Golden  State or Houston – where he was before landing at the Knicks. But Mike  D’Antoni’s system at the Knicks has been perfect for him to show off his  strengths. You’ve got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and  then ensure that you’re in a system (a job or organization or industry) that is  a good fit for those strengths. Otherwise, people overlook the talents you bring  to the table.
5. Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you  today on your team. 莫错良才
You probably manage people at  your own company today. Are you sure you don’t have a Jeremy Lin living among  you now? How do you know that “Mike” couldn’t do amazing things if you gave him  a new project to run with? How do you know “Sarah” isn’t the right person to  take the open job in London that you’ve been talking over with your colleagues?  We put people around us in boxes. He’s from Harvard. He’s Asian-American. Not  sure he can play. How many assumptions have you made about talent around you?  Don’t be like the General Managers in Golden State and Houston, and let talent  slip through your fingers. With all their money, scouts, and testing, they  didn’t have a clue what they had in their hands. Do you know what your people  (or even yourself) is really capable of? Take off the blinders of assumptions  you wear when you look at the world.
6.  People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.  忠实原己
You’ve got to be you. You can’t be some 2nd rate copy  of Michael Jordan. There will never be another Michael Jordan. Just be Jeremy  Lin — yourself. Whatever that is. That doesn’t mean you don’t work hard — it  just means you find what you’re good at and do it. Fans will love you for being  you, just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best:
“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead  of a second-rate version of somebody else.”
7.  Stay humble. 避免枉大
If you one day are lucky enough to have  newspapers want to put you on the cover in order to sell more, don’t let it get  to your head. It’s been remarkable watching how humble Lin remains through all  this media frenzy. It makes his teammates and fans love him that much more.
8. When you make others around you look good, they  will love you forever. 尊重同仁
I didn’t know how good Tyson  Chandler was, until I saw him playing with Jeremy Lin. Lin has set Chandler up  many times over the last week for easy dunks because he drew the defense and  then passed the ball. That’s partly why the Knicks are playing so well. They are  all working harder to share the ball with others. And it’s beautiful to watch.  And when the media swarms Lin, he tells them how good his teammates are. Do the  same with your peers and reports.
9.  Never forget about the importance of luck or fate in life. 不忘感恩
Some people believe in God, some in  destiny, some in luck. Whatever you believe in, be grateful for it.
10. Work your butt off. Lin couldn’t have seized his  opportunity if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills.  不走捷径
There are no short  cuts to hard work. Success is a by product of that. If you’ve got a Tiger  Mom who’s always pushed you to work hard, great. If not, let your conscience be  your own Tiger Mom! Get up early, stay up late. Nobody gave Lin any free passes.  Why should you get any? You can only control what you control and that means  you’ve got to work harder than anyone else you know.
I hope the  Lin-sanity continues. And I hope we all can apply these lessons to our own work  and family life.
There’s a great line from a New York Times article on  Lin and his faith which is worth it for all of us to remember:
“suffering produces character, and character produces  hope, and hope does not disappoint us.”

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中国专制的三暴虐 – 文字,文化与政治 Trio of Tyranny in China

中国专制的三暴虐 – 文字,文化与政治 Trio of Tyranny in China
China’s Despotism – From linguistic tyranny, to cultural tyranny, to governmental tyranny
“自由人”对抗“中国人”序列 “Free Beings” vs. “Chinese” Series
– The trio of tyrannies and its horrific effect on the formation of Chinese slave mindset – a treatise and indictment on the Chinese dehumanization process – 

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/10/2006, Reprint 1/18/2012)
  As people puzzled over the persistence of the Chinese communist regime after the collapse of the communism as an ideology world wide, only a few saw the roots of the Chinese despotism. Many are not willing, some not able, others lacking courage to recognize the connection between the Chinese traditional culture and the current deplorable state of affairs in China. Almost all reject even the slightest suggestion that the Chinese character-based, syllabic language has something to do with the formation of Chinese mind-set which can only be properly coined “complete slavery and dehumanization of human beings”.
 Some even suggest that preservation of a Confucian culture is paramount in reforming the Chinese society and curing the ills in the Chinese mind. To me this suggestion is tantamount to saying that solution to communist tyranny and dictatorship is the communist party, and the cure of AIDS is introducing more HIV virus. Some, with various motives and deep secret complex, come in a hurry to defend the indefensible cruel Chinese feudal culture. And they defend even with more vehemence than the despotic masters the origin of the Chinese tyranny – the character-based, syllabic Chinese language. The panic feels like as if someone is digging into their ancestors’ untouchable graves. It is as if someone is touching that “sacred cow” in their hearts. No matter how much they hate the Chinese communist party and its despotic regime, they are willing to defend the roots of it with their blood and lives. Sounds comically contradictory, doesn’t it?  Some, even come with more hilarious accusation against those who point out the intrinsic and inseparable connection between the Chinese language and culture with the miserable human condition in China today, calling them “traitors of the Chinese race” and “harboring ulterior motives to demean the Chinese”, and “potential dictators in the future”….   
Their entire defense not only fails to exonerate the evil culture that has been created to destroy individuals, humanity and freedom, their preposterous accusation against those who see the evil shows exactly how their mind-set of cultural, linguistic and governmental slavery has been formed. That mind-set is the living proof of the existence of evil.
The following is a treatise to detail the process of Chinese dehumanization of individuals through this “trio of tyrannies” and an indictment against this evil origin of the complete alienation and enslavement of Chinese mind over their own existence.
Chinese Linguistic Tyranny  中国文字语言的暴虐
(Since Chinese society is patriarchal in nature, I will use “man” and “he” in the composition of this essay. This is not to demean or ignore female human beings.)
From the moment a Chinese toddler starts to put sounds and symbols together, he is handed a brush with ink as his writing tool. (Nowadays a pen or pencil is usually the case) He is presented with a paper with lines and usually a series of rectangle boxes with four evenly divided quadrants in each box. In front of him is a text of writing samples dated maybe hundreds of years back to his ancestors. He is told that his task of learning to write is first and foremost to mimic the perfect symmetry and forms in those pictorial images his ancestors left for him. During this process of repetition, copy, mimic of his ancestors’ leftover in his initial contact with human knowledge, his own dehumanization against his own individuality has formally begun.
He learns that creativity and initiatives are not important; conformity is. He learns that his own mind is not important; his ancestors’ legacy is. He learns that he as an individual is not important; competing with others to see who comes closer to the original forms left by his ancestors is. He learns that meaning and substance of the word is not important; the appearance – the formation, the image and the shell is. He is further confounded, yet not knowing consciously, with the fact that language is not a tool to comprehend and analyze phenomena to reach to reality, rather it is an artistic endeavor to please the eye, and the others. However, in this supposed artistic endeavor, he is not allowed to create and produce. He is forced to copy, to memorize, to follow… His two hemispheres of the brain are inundated with conflicting input of symbols and images. (We now know that all humans have the same structure in their brains – one hemisphere in charge of language, analysis, abstract thinking, logic, rationality.., and the other art, music, concrete images, creative impulses…) His analytical hemisphere is being force-fed with pictorial images, instead of abstract symbols, while his artistic hemisphere is starved with a strict and deliberate stifling of his instinct and impulse to create. In learning to write the Chinese characters, he is weaving and knitting an elaborate and intricate mesh to smother his own brain, to restrict his own initiatives, to deny his individual uniqueness.
While humans are endowed by our creator to have a unique human quality to create, change and reform our surroundings and environment to serve our own purposes, as a distinctive quality from other creatures, the cruel and inhumane process of Chinese systematic stripping of this unique human quality has effectively taken place with their young, in the form of indoctrination of a confusing and crippling linguistic system. The very possibility of human creative spark is effectively eliminated. One does not have to snip the bud. The bud has never appeared for it has died long before it can ever manifest itself. The very mind of each distinct individual is thus insidiously being forced into a tiny rectangle box from which he will never be allowed to escape to return to his nature of free being.
By the time he is taught to compose sentences, he is further stripped of concept of time by a lack of tense in the Chinese verbs. Though the adverbs are constantly put in to modify the verbs, he has been reduced to never have had a strong sense of sequential events according to time. As his study of Chinese language progresses, he has found that he lacks a distinction between individual and collective, for in Chinese verbs there is no such differentiation of plural and singular. “People” can be viewed as something like an inseparable entity while an individual’s uniqueness is severely diminished. Last time I checked, a fascist view of collective as a living entity has the same connotation. He further learns that in pronunciation of chinese third personnel, there is no distinction between genders and between humans and animals or between humans and a rock. The dehumanization process is deepening.
He finds that he cannot read and write to communicate till he is six or seven years old, with barely enough storage of Chinese characters laden with pictorial images, memorized through repetition in his analytical hemisphere of the brain. He is forever crippled in coming up with new abstract ideas.
As he goes further in his study of his ancestors’ leftovers/feces, he finds that he is strictly forbidden from creating any new Chinese character by himself. All 50,000 Chinese characters are all he can copy and use in his understanding of his world of reality, though only about 5,000 in normal usage. By definition, all human knowledge on earth has stopped within the confinement of these 50,000 some Chinese characters. He can only try to manipulate, combine the existing characters to describe what he sees, not to invent new concepts. Thus the primary function of Chinese language is to describe, not to prescribe, is to inherit, not to expand, is to please, not to pursue, is to control, not to discover, is to possess, not to enjoy. the alienation is thus thorough and complete – the tool has become the master to be served with total devotion of chinese human lives. The creators of the language have become the slaves of the same language.
With the rigid and stagnant Chinese language in place and in charge, humans are not here to create; they are only here to procreate. Humans are not individuals with indivisible integrity, dignity and uniqueness; humans are only an indistinguishable blob of flesh and blood of fleeting images, banded together by a tiny rectangle box to experience excruciating pain and suffering, much like a contortionist. Conclusion: The Chinese language is an inhuman and inhumane language which only facilitates a perverse dehumanization process among the Chinese masses/population.
In sharp contrast, English, as a multi-syllable, alphabetic language, takes the premise that humans are free and unique beings. Language is their tool to serve their lives’ purpose, not their master to dominate and control their existence. With English language, children as early as three years old can read and write and communicate effectively with their peers. The abstract, alphabetic symbols of the language – the letters can be easily and freely assembled and dissembled and resembled to create new words that represent new discoveries and new concepts. They are designed to be abstract to input information into human brain’s abstract hemisphere. and the meaning of the word and compositions, not calligraphy, is the most important aspect of learning such a language. With this language, humans are allowed to be humans – free, creative and exploratative. With the way human brain is hardwired, there is no doubt that English language (alphabetic and multi-syllable) is a human and humane language.
Chinese Cultural Tyranny   中国传统专制文化的暴虐
From the moment a spark of consciousness starts to flicker, a Chinese youth witnesses at first hand, how humans treat each other and how he is treated by these humans around him. Another dimension of Chinese dehumanization process is taking place in his perception of reality – a cultural tyranny starts to dominate his life.
When the infant starts to observe his surroundings and tries to make sense out of them, the first thing that enters his mind is the fearsome hierarchy everyone carefully follows and obeys. In this invisible hierarchy, everyone’s identity is predetermined by his birth and gender. He discovers that one cannot open his mouth unless he does so according to the echelon he occupies in this hierarchy. He has to find out how old he is, how much money he makes, what connections his family has in relations with this classification of superiority and inferiority. He has to know his gender stratification, male as always being on top of female. He has to know every title and name in the generation differentiation and address his peers by proper titles and names. He has to know exactly all of these before he can open his mouth.
He is conditioned to know that the highest echelon in the hierarchy is the ubiquitous officialdom in the government, and the highest judicial judge in morals and all affairs affecting him is the highest official in this government – the emperor, chairman, president. He now knows that the God in his life is China itself – a nation with a border, a population with the same racial and ethnic features, a way to behave and think – never disturbing the existing order. China is the combination of all the desirable values in his life. He will be dedicating his entire life to this invisible God.
As he continues to grow up and further immerses himself in the Chinese literature, cultural habits and order of things, he finds that he himself as a person gradually dissolved and disappeared in the cultural soup everyone is stirring to cook into a shapeless entity. Everyone starts to behave in the same manner according to this invisible hierarchy, and no one is distinct and unique by himself. For the first time, he tastes the fearsome power of his cultural environment. That faceless everyone is called Big Family which he is obligated to preserve and please. Everyone seems to want to please everyone else and no one however, wants to initiate anything. Passivity is the order of the day and fate is everyone’s master. Learning to patiently live with desperation and helplessness is a must if he wants to survive. And it even becomes an art. He starts to cheat, lie, manipulate, intimidate, pretend… Anything he does is alright so long as he is to preserve and please the big family. Saving face is the biggest concern for everyone, from top down. The Big Family and the government that represents it has become his overlord and his entire individual worth is to be judged by only it.
He practices hard to write beautiful calligraphy, for he knows without the beautiful and unobtrusive appearance, everything else is meaningless. One will have hard time climbing the social ladder if one’s calligraphy is no good. The more he self-effacing his own being, the more likely he will climb high. He learns to entertain himself by practicing Chinese violin, but finds that the bow is stuck between the strings and he can only play one string at a time. The music that comes out of the instrument always bears a sad, lonely, helpless tone he can never escape. He picks a brush to paint a picture, but finds that only water color is available. The painting comes out will always be smeared and blurred. The human image that comes out of the water color has no spirit, no deep feelings, no facial expressions, and no passion (not to mention there is no shades and no one know where the light comes from). Even this dubious representation of humans on paper cannot last long. The water color always fades over time. A blurred image of reality for others to guess and feel is the standard of art.
He is frustrated, trying to find and etch a permanent mark for himself in the history of China. He starts to read the Chinese classic literatures, for in there he can find all kinds of intrigues, plots, manipulation of emotions, pretentious grace.., widely applied in the chinese officialdom. He attends school to memorize and mimic all the tactics and tricks to use, abuse and manipulate others humans so he can climb over their corpses to advance in this hierarchy. He learns how to mesmerize his victims by pretending to be their savior, making them believe they are all victims of others. Like a king cobra, he wants to desensitize and distract his prey by letting them focus on his beautiful and symmetrical markings, the carefully planned, mesmerizing movements, the ingenious camouflage, and the speedy and powerful strikes. He does not want others to know his nature. He is doing everything to hide it.  He has learned all these through the books he has read and observation he has made and he is well versed in all of them. None of the education process has focused on the nature, the essence, and the substance of things and phenomena. No moral judgment has ever been rendered. So he is not about to start to attract others’ attention on his deadliness and his poisonous-ness. He has become the master of all his ancestors’ teachings. His only goal: to acquire power as much as he can. The more power he has, the more he is close to the omnipotent and arbitrary head of the big family, and the more he approaches God/being God.
However, he is very unhappy and insecure, for every step up he climbs, he is losing something – something he could not describe and may never recover. But he somehow senses that something is essential for his fulfillment and happiness. He becomes more and more drained and emptied, but the urge to climb even higher is so great that he cannot stop. It is just like, no, it is exactly like a narcotic addiction. The more you have, the more you want to have, even knowing it is killing your organs, killing your humanity. He now is in the deep grip of a powerful, enticing presence he can never escape without help from outside/divine forces.
But the outside help never comes. All the cultural narcotic addicts never admit they are addicts. He is no exception. His mental health starts to deteriorate. He can not distinguish right from wrong, illusions from reality, truth from falsehood, what is good for him from what is harmful…. Yet he continues the path of climbing toward that illusive peak in the officialdom, knocking down adversaries ruthlessly with no mercy. He never feels safe, for everyone else is doing just the same. He is exhausted but he dares not to stop or relax. Momentary reflection of himself scares the hell out of him, for he does not have guts to admit how deep and how far he has embarked on this road of self-destruction. And he knows it is all his making. and relentlessly, the atrocious/miserable/meaningless end is coming.
One day, a more ruthless and poisonous adversary knocks him off the ladder of officialdom. He falls and ready to give up and die. Before he dies, he curses the enemy; he curses back luck; he curses fate; he curses all others. He even curses the system for failing him, not knowing or admitting he is exactly the essential part of it, the foundation of it. His only lesson from all this is: (and he will tell all his children about it) next time, if there is ever going to be one, I will be more ruthless, poisonous and deadly. In the process of victimizing each other, everyone becomes inescapably victimized. The cycle of men-eating-men is thus completed.
Such is a soulless life’s story. Such is a loveless life. Such is a joyless existence. Such is a zombie’s journey. Such is a definition of evil and corruption. Such is the portrait of a Chinese cultural slave – a Eunuslawhore (eunuch, slave, prostitute).
Contrast distinctly from this cycle of dehumanization, Christian ethics stresses exactly the opposite of this men-eating. It preaches that every individual human being is an entirely unique universe, a beginning and end in himself. He is not to be used, abused and abandoned as some used-up tools by others, no matter how many they are in quantity. In short, he is not to be a mean to an end, but an end in itself. Because of such an inalienable and inseparable nature of the entity, he is endowed by god to have rights and freedom; therefore, he has the possibility to be happy and joyful. No one, no matter how powerful he is as in the case of a government, should be morally justified to define such a being. He is indeed a sacred creation and only god can design him and make possible for him to discover that sacred design. Bias, prejudice, power for the sake of control and self-degradation are detested in such an ethics and culture. Dignity and respect are coined to depict such a being as unique and irreplaceable. Nothing can be ever justified without his own individual consent, for only he knows his own values and worth. Group and government oppression is viewed as the embodiment of evil. Servitude and slavery is as insidiously detrimental to human mental and spiritual health as viruses and narcotic addiction. Equality among humans is a natural extension in the very fact that each and every one of individuals must ultimately face god and himself, not others and governments. Conscience and spiritual integrity is established in such a cultural environment. Self-direction rather than others-direction becomes the orientation of such moral being. Creativity and productivity, Not robbing, begging, cheating and stealing, flows like fountainhead, nourishing a new generation of such free beings. Values are constantly produced and nothingness inevitably sneered and discarded.
Such is a human ethics. Such is a human culture. Such will be the humanity’s future.
Tyranny of Chinese Political Institutions  中国古今政体的暴虐
When a crippled Chinese adult, mentally and spiritually ill-equipped, enters into the political arena characterized by the omnipresent Chinese officialdom, he painfully discovers that he is further trapped and demeaned by the very institutions his ancestors left to control him. He is viewed as nothing more than a cog on an enormous grinder aimed to mix truth with falsehood, right with wrong, black with white, existence with nothingness. Every ounce of everyone’s individual energy is absorbed and usurped to contribute to the speed of the spinning machine. In the cultural soup it produces, nothing is distinct and unique and nothing can be used as values, particles and concrete foundation to build anything. The only function of such a political machine is to drown everyone with this toxic cultural soup and make him a part of its ingredient to kill still many others.
Fostered and boosted by the linguistic tyranny and cultural tyranny, the political machine his ancestors created and left for him is a ferocious and insatiable beast of destruction.
As his maturing consciousness starts to question his own being in his political surroundings, he finds that no one is in charge and henceforth no one is able to change this political environment. Everyone is only operating in it, much like everyone is using the same Chinese characters to write. No one is able to create anything in this political environment, much like no one is able or supposed to create any Chinese character by himself. He is trapped. He further finds that in this political culture, government precedes people. Government is viewed to have existed even before humans appear on earth. Government authority comes from the mysterious “heaven” and it has nothing to do with human beings. So the emperors have all been called “sons of heaven” and everyone who dares to question this order and authority is doomed to “hell” and eternal ostracism.
Thus, the government has always been viewed as parents, and the masses under it have always been viewed as some infantile children in need of care. Government officials are endowed with titles such as “parental officials” and the people “children people”. A person is born not free, but underneath this parental government and the power it wields. Any limited freedom is freedom in a cage, and freedom to obey and conform, for he is reared and raised by the government and the emperors. He has been taught that when the big river has water, the small creeks will flow. Even God in heaven is with a title “jade emperor”. It is the emperor that gives people their clothes and food. It is the nation and government that give people their livelihood and meaning of life.
He has read from all the literature that his ancestors have left that all heroes in Chinese history are “nation loving” heroes. All immortals he ever worships are ancestral officials in the emperors’ court. Everything that has any values in China is tied with officialdom. Government and officialdom is not only he depends on for his livelihood, but he depends on for his meaning of life. All the educational institutions have one aim – to produce “nation loving” and “emperor loving” officials in the echelon of governmental hierarchy. The higher he climbs in the official ladder, the more power he acquires and hence the more meaning in life he has. Thus, he stops/kills all his other interests and endeavors and focuses only on one thing – joining officialdom to climb the ladder.
In the process of climbing the ladder, he learns further from his ancestors and the knowledge they have left via those rectangle boxes written in those thread-bond books all the official tricks, plots, deceits, maneuvers, manipulations. He is well versed in the spirit all these books and the ultimate message they espouse – “the end always justify the means”. So long as he is for others and for the helpless masses, all his excessive tactics and murderous methods are thoroughly justified. His only slogans in his heart are “loyal to the emperors, loyal to the nation/party-dynasty, loyal to the ancestors and all the language, institutions, culture they have left to him.”
He has learned that the most effective method of controlling the masses with their infantile and meaningless existence is to hold their loved ones, their family, and anything including their own profession they love, hostage. If one offends the order of the court, the entire family suffers, the generations related to the person in anyway suffers. No one is responsible for himself anyway, so everyone else around him must be responsible. Here is the most effective weapon in his arsenal, among others like confusion, fatalism, superstition, jealousy, denial, blindness to truth… Though he himself is subjected to the same control mechanism, he is nonetheless enthusiastically enforcing the order using these means, for the illusion is the higher one climbs, the freer one becomes.
Not only family is used to be the hostage in this scheme of things, family is used as the very control mechanism to subdue everyone in it. Family has become the very basic unit of the government, to serve the government. The very word “nation” (Guo, Jia 国家) in Chinese is simply composed with two characters – nation and family. The saint of all Chinese – Confucius has long deemed the Chinese moral order to be inviolable – “emperor to subordinates, father to sons”. The bigger the government, the better, and since family has become the basic unit of the government, the entire society does not only belong to the government, it is indeed the government itself. Separation of government and society has never existed in China. Any political order in China is only the extension of personal order of the individual and his identity. An ingenious design it is indeed, by the ancestral saint-Confucius.
In the later years of China’s modern history, Mao only further inherited/enhanced this very Chinese tradition of building the entire China into a giant prison, in which everyone can be potential a spy to report on others to the authority, particular within the family. So why build prisons to hold those unruly scoundrels like in the USSR under Stalin? Instead, the chinese under mao have followed our ancestors under emperors and confucius: They make the entire society governmental, and make the entire population prisoners of their own family, or their own relations with others. Yes indeed this is exactly what has happened during the notorious cultural revolution. The poison has seeped through every pore of the society and the corruption via total surrender by the individuals is thorough and complete.
America represents the exact opposite of the Chinese experience:  It is based on individual freedom with a solid foundation in Christian faith; therefore each and every individual is fully aware of his or her responsibility to his own conscience and action. Its political institutions are established on the premise of human fallibility and subsequent potential abuse by government and majority. Separation of power, checks and balances within the political power structure, a constitutional base to limit government and guaranty individual rights, federalism to ensure a bottom-up direction from individual sovereignty to local autonomy to limited federal government.., all are the healthy and necessary institutions aimed at expanding individual freedom. Government is contracted to serve people’s purposes, not the other way around – people are subdued to serve the government. Legitimacy, transparency and openness are understood to be the concern of all the individual citizens in their eternal vigilance to guard their liberty and rights against tyranny. American political institutions are human institutions for human interests, freedom and happiness.
Conclusion  结论
Over two thousand years ago on this land that humans inhabited, a divergence of humanity began to emerge. In the East over the vast land of Asia, a process of dehumanization started with the unification by an emperor with his swords, bloodshed, and oppressive force over the population on his domain. Through the intrinsic defects of its own language, the facilitation of eunuch official intellectuals, and the state power, human beings had become the subjects and slaves of their own creation. They have been terrorized by the very alienation they created ever since and become deformed humans with twisted mind-set. A stagnant and vicious circular course of history has been the order even today.
About the same period over on the other side of the planet, a quiet and powerful revolution to recognize and confirm humanity also began to take shape, championed not by someone with swords, but by a mild-mannered man dressed in rags who never held any official position. A new kind of values was being preached upon the population and into the very soul of humans – truth, liberty, equality, individuality, fraternity, tolerance, creativity… Through the sparks he has ignited, a torch has been lit to light up the course of human history. History would never be a circle to trap humans with their corpses and misery. History started to advance toward life, freedom and joy. Humans are no longer the slaves of their own creations. They have become their own masters over their own language, their own culture and their own political institutions. A liberation of the human souls has enables them to advance through darkness toward better and better future. America is the epitome of this very advancement.
In the West, human beings continue to advance along the line of liberty for humanity. in the East, human beings continue to be trapped by the tyranny of their own culture and government. They are nothing but slaves of their own cultural conditioning and tools of the despotic state they have created and passively obeyed. The gap is gigantic.
In view and analysis of what has impeded Chinese society from entering modern history and join the community of free nations, I am confident that these three mountains – the three tyrannies that have oppressed the Chinese people without them knowing the nature of the tyrannies, must be removed before any healthy human institutions can be developed. The dehumanization process via these three tyrannies must be stopped and destroyed. Human beings must be returned to their original form intended by their creator – free, full of life, joyful and creative, the masters of their own environment, their own language, their own culture, their own political institutions, their own fate, their own future. The thorough and complete alienation of individual human beings to their creations must be reversed. The vicious dynastic cycles must be reviled, condemned and eliminated. a society of individual human beings, by individual human beings, for individual human beings must be finally realized. China must join the post-historical America by emulating its examples to release the tremendous energy of human creativity and productivity of its own citizens. Let’s start to remove the three mountains and the tyranny they have imposed on the Chinese people for thousands of years.  Let’s start this process from ourselves as free and responsible individuals.

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Happy New Year, China? 新一年的中国面临危机

Three questions businesses will be asking in 2012..  生意人应该问的三个问题

By JOSEPH STERNBERG (Wall Street Journal)
At the start of 2011, China’s growth rate was above 9%. Beijing had  scored a triumph only a few months earlier, at the November 2010 Seoul G-20  summit, in rebuffing Washington’s pleas for more action on global rebalancing  and thereby showing that China was an economic force to be reckoned with. As the  U.S. slouched and the euro zone sank further into what now appears to be an  interminable crisis, many businesses assumed China would be a good fallback.
At the end of 2011, the world looks rather different. Now the main  speculation concerns whether China’s landing will be hard or soft. Businesses  are newly wary; capital is starting to flow out. This turned out to be a year in  which investors and managers started asking some new questions about China. Here  are three that will be on a lot of minds in 2012:
•  Will China ever transition to domestic consumption? Often  presented as a matter of macroeconomic rebalancing, this one has micro  implications, too. When foreigners say they “want China to consume more,” they  quietly add “of our products” at the end of the sentence. So far, foreign  producers of consumer goods and heavy equipment have enjoyed some success.  Chinese are buying more shampoo, batteries, computers and tractors as they grow  more prosperous, and some of those products are foreign-made.
But  consumption as a proportion of the economy still falls far short of where it  ought to be, and consumer goods will go only part way to making up the  difference. The real consumption challenge will be services, which also happens  to be an area where countries such as the U.S. have a strong comparative  advantage and could be exporting much more to China. Here Beijing remains  stubbornly closed, not least for political reasons—services can be dangerous to  autocrats for the interpersonal connections they foster, as service-provider  Google discovered in 2010.
As an added  twist, during 2011 Beijing transformed this from a simple economic matter into a  political credibility test. The government promised in its new Five-Year  Plan to encourage more domestic consumption. Those who think this transition  will happen argue that if Beijing says it will happen, Beijing will find some  way to make sure it does. But will that hold true for consumption? While an  investment-led growth model provides easy opportunities to pull levers (as long  as the investment is done by a relatively discrete set of state-connected  companies), true domestic consumption puts you at the mercy of 1.4 billion  consumers.
• How “real” are Chinese companies?  This year has seen many  Western investors become newly alert to fraud risks at Chinese companies listed  in Canada, the U.S. or Europe. What started around this time last year as a U.S.  Securities and Exchange Commission fulmination against an obscure bit of  financial engineering—the reverse takeover—has grown into a spate of delistings,  shareholder lawsuits and regulatory investigations amid auditor resignations,  charges of accounting irregularities, and a short-selling frenzy.
This is a microeconomic story with macro  implications. Some of these companies may be outright frauds. But for many  others, a plausible theory is that they are legitimate companies that have  dressed themselves up as “frauds” to navigate China’s stifling regulatory  environment. Such is a charitable interpretation of the most famous  blow-up to date, Toronto-listed Sino-Forest, whose complex corporate structure  may well be designed chiefly to secure its forest assets in China absent normal  property-rights protections.
Ponder for  a moment what this state of affairs means for China. Why are its most  entrepreneurial private-sector companies listing overseas at all? Why can’t they  access sufficient capital at home? And what does it mean for China’s economic  development that these companies find it so difficult to operate completely  above-board? Can a sustainable economy be built on the back of a regulatory  system that encourages—perhaps forces—firms to fudge their books?
• What about Indonesia? One  surprising theme for 2011 has been growing investor interest in Indonesia. No  wonder, given 6% growth rates and a large potential consumer base coming online  as the economy picks up pace. Suddenly investors seem less deterred than they  used to be by Jakarta’s infamous traffic jams and endemic corruption.
The “Indonesia story” is part of a  broader trend, as investors have rediscovered all the non-China parts of Asia.  Thailand is set to throw out a welcome mat for foreign investors as it tries to  recover from devastating flooding. Low-end manufacturers are heading to  Cambodia.
This year’s anticorruption crusade in India evidences  rising popular discontent with government, which could one day provide an  impetus for more competitive economic policies. Foreign businesses are anxiously  waiting the first opportunity to head to India.
Even staid old Japan may soon be up for a rethink if  participation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (a last-ditch effort by  Tokyo to revive its stagnant economy) opens new opportunities for foreigners.  All of which means that China can no longer count on being the only appealing  prospect on the horizon.
None of these questions necessarily presages a Chinese  collapse in 2012. But they do suggest businesses and investors will be looking  at China with new, more critical eyes in the new year. The most important  question of all: How well will China stand up under that scrutiny?
Mr.  Sternberg edits the Business Asia column.

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Why Doesn’t Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism? 共产与纳粹的比较


Mao’s Statue in the Nixon Library,  California 尼克松图书馆中的毛塑像

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

陈凯一语: Kai Chen’s Words:

 普瑞格尔(Dennis  Prager)的这篇文章分析了为什么今天在世界上人们仍不认知共产的邪恶,甚至对共产邪念抱有幻梦。  我希望人们能在这篇文章中对邪恶的力量与人们的道德混乱有清晰与足够的认识。

Dennis Prager’s article analyzes  why today people in the world, especially those of left-leaning in the West,  still have illusions about communism and still cannot come to term with the evil  of communism. I only hope people read this article and start thinking deeply  about this crucial issue of our time.

Why  Doesn’t Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism? 共产与纳粹的比较

By: Dennis Prager  FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why  is it that when people want to describe particularly evil individuals or  regimes, they use the terms “Nazi” or “Fascist” but almost never “Communist?”
Given the amount the human suffering  Communists have caused – 70 million killed in China, 20-30 million in the former  Soviet Union, and almost one-third of all Cambodians; the decimation of Tibetan  and Chinese culture; totalitarian enslavement of North Koreans, Chinese,  Vietnamese, and Russians; a generation deprived of human rights in Cuba; and  much more — why is “Communist” so much less a term of revulsion than  “Nazi?”
There are Mao Restaurants  in major cities in the Western world. Can one imagine Hitler Restaurants? Che  Guevara T-shirts are ubiquitous, yet there are no Heinrich Himmler  T-shirts.
This question is of vital significance. First, without  moral clarity, humanity has little chance of avoiding a dark future. Second, the  reasons for this moral imbalance tell us a great deal about ourselves today.
Here, then, are seven reasons.

1.Communists murdered their own people;  the Nazis murdered others.
Under Mao about 70 million people died  – nearly all in peacetime! – virtually all of them Chinese. Likewise, the  approximately 30 million people that Stalin had killed were nearly all Russians,  and those who were not Russian, Ukrainians for example, were members of other  Soviet nationalities. The Nazis, on the other hand, killed very few fellow  Germans. Their victims were Jews, Slavs, and members of other “non-Aryan” and  “inferior” groups. “World opinion” – that vapid amoral concept – deems the  murder of members of one’s group far less noteworthy than the murder of  outsiders. That is one reason why blacks killing millions of fellow blacks in  the Congo right now elicits no attention from “world opinion.” But if an Israeli  soldier is charged with having killed a Gaza woman and two children, it makes  the front page of world newspapers.
2.Communism is based on lovely sounding theories;  Nazism is based on heinous sounding theories.
Intellectuals,  among whom are the people who write history, are seduced by words — so much so  that deeds are deemed considerably less significant. Communism’s words are far more intellectually and  morally appealing than the moronic and vile racism of Nazism. The  monstrous evils of communists have not been focused on nearly as much as the  monstrous deeds of the Nazis. The former have been regularly dismissed as  perversions of a beautiful doctrine (though Christians who committed evil in the  name of Christianity are never regarded by these same people as having perverted  a beautiful doctrine), whereas Nazi atrocities have been perceived (correctly)  as the logical and inevitable results of Nazi ideology. This seduction by words  while ignoring deeds has been a major factor in the ongoing appeal of the left  to intellectuals. How else explain the appeal of a Che Guevara or Fidel Castro  to so many left-wing intellectuals, other than that they care more about  beautiful words than about vile deeds?
3.Germans have thoroughly exposed the evils of Nazism,  have taken responsibility for them, and attempted to atone for them. Russians  have not done anything similar regarding Lenin’s or Stalin’s horrors. 
Indeed, an ex-KGB man runs Russia, Lenin is still widely revered,  and, in the words of University of London Russian historian Donald Rayfield,  “people still deny by assertion or implication, Stalin’s holocaust.” Nor has  China in any way exposed the greatest mass murderer and enslaver of them all,  Mao Zedong. Mao remains revered in China. Until Russia and China acknowledge the  evil their states have done under communism, communism’s evils will remain less  acknowledged by the world than the evils of the German state under Hitler.
4.Communism won, Nazism lost. And the  winners write history.
5.Nothing  matches the Holocaust.
The rounding up of virtually every Jewish  man, woman, child, and baby on the European continent and sending them to die is  unprecedented and unparalleled. The communists killed far more people than the  Nazis did but never matched the Holocaust in the systemization of murder. The  uniqueness of the Holocaust and the enormous attention paid to it since then has  helped ensure that Nazism has a worse name than communism.
6.There is, simply put, widespread ignorance of  communist atrocities compared to those of the Nazis.
Whereas,  both right and left loathe Nazism and teach its evil history, the left dominates  the teaching profession, and therefore almost no one teaches communist  atrocities. As much as intellectuals on the left may argue that they loathe  Stalin or the North Korean regime, few on the left loathe communism. As the  French put it, “pas d’enemis a la gauche,” which in English means “no enemies on  the left.” This is certainly true of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cuban communism.  Check your local university’s courses and see how many classes are given on  communist totalitarianism or mass murder compared to the number of classes about  Nazism’s immoral record.
7.Finally, in  the view of the left, the last “good war” America fought was World War II, the  war against German and Japanese fascism.
The left does not regard  America’s wars against communist regimes as good wars. The war against  Vietnamese communism is regarded as immoral and the war against Korean (and  Chinese) communism is simply ignored.
Until the left and all the institutions influenced by  the left acknowledge how evil communism has been, we will continue to live in a  morally confused world. Conversely, the day the left does come to grips with  communism’s legacy of human destruction, it will be a very positive sign that  the world’s moral compass has begun to correct itself.
Dennis Prager hosts a nationally syndicated radio talk show based in Los  Angeles. He is the author of four books, most recently “Happiness is a Serious  Problem” (HarperCollins). His website is www.dennisprager.com. To find out more about Dennis Prager,  visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

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我们没有敌人(仇恨和暴力)/刘晓波 We Don’t Worship Hatred/Violence

Monday, October 18, 2010


We Don’t Worship Hatred/Violence

陈凯博客: http://www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
将”enemy”与“敌人”等同是中文系人们逃脱不掉的语言障碍。(enemy 是一个抽象概念,而“敌人”确实因中文文字局限的表象/形象描述。)中文语言的危害在此暴露无遗。 刘晓波在这篇八九“绝食宣言”中对“我们没有敌人”做了解释:“我们没有敌人!- 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!” 在刘晓波本人不能作出回应的状况下用断章取义的方式攻击刘晓波是专制文化心态的体现。 “跪着生”与“站着死”再也不应成文中文系人们的心态走向的选择。 我只要“站着生”,也希望所有的人都“站着生”。
Kai Chen’s Words:
The term “enemy” has entirely different/opposite meanings in English and in Chinese. In English it means an abstract concept of “hostile entity/force”. In Chinese it means a superficial/pictorial image of someone harmful. Thus you can see clearly the harmful effect of using Chinese language to express meaning – It often distorts reality therefore perverts the truth.
Having read the original text by Mr. Liu Xiaobo in 1989’s “Hunger Strike Declaration”, I have no doubt that Mr. Liu defines his “enemy” as “Hatred and Violence”. By saying he has “no enemy”, he was saying he had no hatred and violence in his heart. While Mr. Liu, being in Chinese jail, is unable to clarify and defend himself, attacking him with lies and incomplete truth is an act under despotic mindset.
I am with Liu Xiaobo to believe human beings should never have to choose between “kneeling to live and standing to die”. The future of mankind should belong to one in which human beings pursue “standing to live”.


We Don’t Worship Hatred/Violence
“1. 我们没有敌人! 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!
2. 我们都需要反省! 中国的落伍人人有责!
3. 我们首先是公民!
4. 我们不是寻找死亡! 我们寻找真的生命!”


四君子绝食宣言 6/2/1989


中国几千年的历史,充满了以暴易暴和相互仇恨。及至近代,敌人意识成为中国人的遗传;一九四九年以后的「以阶级斗争为纲」的口号,更把传统的仇恨心理、敌人意识和以暴易暴推向了极端,此次军管也是「阶级斗争」式的政治文化的体现。为此,我们绝食,呼吁中国人从现在开始逐渐废弃和消除敌人意识和仇恨心理,彻底放弃「阶级斗争」式的政治文化,因为仇恨只能产生暴力和专制。我们必须以一种民主式的宽容精神和协作意识来开始中国的民主建设。民主政治是没有敌人和仇恨的政治,只有在相互尊重、相互宽容、相互妥协基础上的协商、讨论和表决。李鹏作为总理犯有重大失误,应该按照民主程序引咎辞职。 但是,李鹏不是我们的敌人,即使他下台,仍然具有一个公民应享有的权利,甚至可以拥有坚持错误主张的权利。我们呼吁,从政府到每一位普通公民,放弃旧的政治文化,开始新政治文化。我们要求政府立即结束军管,并呼吁学生和政府双方重新以和平谈判、协商对话的方式来解决双方的对立。
在此次运动中,政府和学生都有失误。政府的失误主要是在旧的「阶级斗争」式政治思维的支配下,站在广大学生和市民的对立面,致使冲突不断加剧;学生的失误主要是自身组织的建设太不完善,在争取民主的过程中,出现了大量非民主的因素。因此,我们呼吁,政府和学生双方都要进行冷静的自我反省。我们认为,就整体而言,此次运动中的错误主要在政府方面。游行、绝食等行动是人民表达自己意愿的民主方式,是完全合法合理的,根本就不是动乱。而政府方面无视宪法赋予每个公民的基本权利,以一种专制政治的思维把此次运动定名为动乱,从而又引出了一连串的错误决策,致使运动一次次升级,对抗愈演愈烈。因而,真正乞製造动乱的是政府的错误决策,其严重程度不下于「文革」。只是由于学生和市民的克制,社会各界包括党、政、军有识之士的强烈呼吁,才没有出现大规模的流血事件。鉴于此,政府必须承认和反省这些错误,我们认为现在改正还不算太晚。政府应当从这次大规模的民主运动当中汲取沉痛的教训,学会习惯于倾听人民的声音,习惯于人民用宪法赋予的权利来表达自己的意愿,学会民主地治理国家。全民的民主运动正在教会政府怎样地以民主和法制来治理社会。 学生方面的失误主要表现在内部组织的溷乱、缺乏效率和民主程序。诸如,目标是民主的而手段、过程是非民主的;理论是民主的而处理具体问题是非民主的;缺乏合作精神,权力相互抵销,造成决策的零乱状态;财务上的溷乱,物质上的浪费;情感有馀而理性不足;特权意识有馀而平等意识不足;等等。近百年来,中国人民争取民主的斗争,大都停留在意识形态化和口号化的水平上。只讲思想启蒙,不讲实际操作;只讲目标,而不讲手段、过程、程序。我们认为:民主政治的真正实现,是操作的过 程、手段和程序的民主化。为此,我们呼吁,中国人应该放弃传统的单纯意识形态化、口号化、目标化的空洞民主,而开始操作的过程、手段和程序的民主建设,把以思想启蒙为中心的民主运动转化为实际操作的民主运动,从每一件具体的事情做起。我们呼吁:学生方面要以整顿天安门广场的学生队伍为中心进行自我反省。
政府在决策方面的重大失误还表现在所谓的「一小撮」的提法上。通过绝食,我们要告诉国内外舆论界,所谓的「一小撮」是这样一类人:他们不是学生,但是他们作为有政治责任感的公民主动地参与了这次以学生为主体的全民民主运动。我们所做的一切都是合理合法的,他们想用自己的智慧和行动让政府从政治文化、人格修养、道义力量等方面知所愧悔,公开承认并改正错误,并使学生的自治组织按照民主和法制程序日益完善。 必须承认,民主地治理国家,对每个中国公民来说都是陌生的,全体中国公民都必须从头学起。包括党和国家的最高领导人。在这个过程中,政府和民众两方面的失误都是不可避免的。关键在于知错必认、知错必改,从错误中学习,把错误转化为积极的财富,在不断地改正错误中逐步地学会民主地治理我们的国家。
  1. 我们没有敌人! 不要让仇恨和暴力毒化了我们的智慧和中国的民主化进程!
2. 我们都需要反省! 中国的落伍人人有责!
3. 我们首先是公民!
4. 我们不是寻找死亡! 我们寻找真的生命!

1. 地点:天安门广场人民纪念碑下
2. 时间:72小时,6月2日16时 —6月5日16时。
特殊说明:由于侯德健在6天后将赴香港製作唱片,所以他的绝食时间为48小时,从6月2日I6时 — 6月4日16时。
3. 规则:只喝白开水,不得进食、不得饮用含营养物质(糖、淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质)的饮料。
周 舵:原北京大学社会学研究所讲师、北京四通集团公司综合计划部部长。
高 新:《师大周报》前主编、中共党员。
Posted by Eddie Cheng at 3:58 PM Labels: 侯德健, 刘晓波, 周舵, 高新
Posted byKai Chen  陈凯at8:56 AM

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